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Canada Tourist Visa 10 years Form: What You Should Know
You can travel to Ukraine, for a maximum of 120 days, if you Apply for a Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa — TRY) Mar 17, 2025 — You can apply for the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CU AET) to come to Canada temporarily, if you're. You can travel to Ukraine for a maximum of 120 days, if you: What is a Temporary Resident Visa? Jul 26, 2025 — The Temporary Resident Visa (TRY) (TRY) is designed for short-term visitors to Canada who are: Who can apply, and how long can they stay? Jul 26, 2025 — Your maximum stay is ten years, even if this is not the year you arrive in Canada. If you have a valid tourism plan, you can apply for a TRY while in Canada at the same time. There are some exceptions to Canada's visa program, and certain groups of people will not be allowed. See the chart above for the list. Note that someWhat is the application process for a single and multiple entry visas? Jul 26, 2025 — Once you have a plan to visit Canada, you must apply for your visa with Canada Border Services Agency. You will need to provide: a) your biometrics, b) a completed application form, And then wait your turn. The processing will take place in Toronto, Ontario. What if the trip involves more than just a visa application? Jul 26, 2025 — If you plan to visit Canada for longer, or as many times as you'd like, you can apply for more than one visa at the same time (permanent resident). However, if you need more than a single entry visa, the permanent resident visa can only be applied for on top of a TRY application. What if I am cancelled from my visa application for credible grounds Jul 26, 2025 — If you are cancelled from your visa application (credible grounds) (such as if you are not eligible for a multiple entry visa) you can still apply for one or more of the TRY and citizen visa. However, the application must be submitted early.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Canada Tourist Visa 10 years